Assign a hazard level to a recognized person by colouring the frame around the face in RED, YELLOW or GREEN colour, depending on how violent the person is.
During the recognition all recognized faces will be saved with Geo-Tag to check location later if needed.
Recognition can work in areas with jammed and/or absent mobile and Internet connection, using pre-downloaded data.
Flashing up the device’s screen during recognition with Red or Green colour so can be controlled from a distance.
Save and further view the full history log of recognized faces. The log will contain name, date, time and location of recognition and the location of the recognizing device.
The ability to add/delete person (face + data) to the main database directly from a mobile phone.
Add or modify database on a main computer, using a “Web Office”. The data goes to the devices of all connected personnel.
This function allows to count number of people entered, left and currently on premises.