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Technological advantages
Far Faces is the only mobile application for mobile devices (phones or tablets) on the market that performs facial recognition up to 15 meters between the subject and the recognizing device.
The personal data (photo of the face) is never stored and the numerical code cannot be used for anything other than our facial recognition app.
The main advantage of our technology is its mobile nature: no other specialized equipment or personnel is needed (additional cameras, processors, engineers) leading to no extra costs.

Farfaces mobile
Detect more than 20 faces per frame in less than one second and recognize them one by one in the background of the app.
Recognition can work in areas with jammed and or absent mobile and Internet connection, using pre-downloaded data of up to 12 million profiles (subject to the size of the SD card).
Farfaces SERVER

FarFaces Server is a facial recognition platform able to detect and recognize faces in parallel video streams from multiple IP cameras, as well as analyse earlier recorded video files, which can be used for access control, surveillance, video investigation, and other purposes.